The links below point to articles, speeches and presentations relating to impact fees.

Impact Fee Handbook, National Association of Home Builders, updated 2016
Utility Impact Fees: Practices and Challenges, American Water Works Association, 2012
The Basics for Development Exactions, Chapin, FSU, 2006
Utility Development Fee Trends, Galardi, 2003
Practical Issues in Adopting Local Impact Fees, Kolo and Dicker, 1993
Impact Fees: Practical Guide for Calculation, Ross and Thorpe, 1991
Development Impact Fees: A Primer, Carrion and Libby, 2004
Calculating System Development Charges for Stormwater Facilities, Nelson, 1995
Who Pays the Costs of Growth?, Harmon, 2001
Getting Business Off the Public Dole: , Benson, 1995
The Price of Progress: Infrastructure Payment Plans You Can Live With, Lucero, 1997
Financing Parks: A Pay-As-You-Go Guide, Project for Public Spaces
Municipal Imlementation Tool: Impact Fees, Delaware Valley Regional Plan. Comm., 2004
Incidence of Development Fees and Tax Assessments, Yinger, 1998
Financing City Services; A Prescription for the Future (Canada), Kitchens, 2004
Financing Infrastructure Over Time, Levinson, 2000
Federal Grants to State and Local Governments: A Brief History, Canada, 2003
Building for Tomorrow: Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, NAHB, 2003
Development Impact Fees: An Overview, Verber, 2004
Development Exactions: Process and Planning Issues, Evans-Cowley, 2006
Impact Fees in Florida; Evaluating Florida’s Growth Management, Ashgate Press, 2007
Impact Fees: Your Rights as a Fee Payer, Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis
Impact Fees: Myths versus Fact, League of Arizona Cities and Towns, 2009
A Short Overview of Impact Fees (California), Brown & Lyons, 2003
Impact Fee Primer: The Perfect Impact Fee Act, Duncan and Virginia APA, 2009
Impact Fees and Development Activity: Evidence from Florida, Mullen and Nicholas, 2010
Cost of Growth
Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: The Cost of Growth, Heimlich, 2001
Fiscal Cost of Sprawl – Colorado, Coynes, 2003
The Costs of Growth: A Brief Overview, Mullen, 2002
How We Pay for Growth, Fulton, 2003
Urban Sprawl and the Finances of State and Local Governments, Mcguire, 2002
Information Paper on the Cost of Sprawl, Puget Sound Regional Council, 2005
Test, Test, 1985
Smart Growth
Impact Fees: Is Limited Cost Internalization Actually Smart Growth?, Boston College Env. Affairs Law Review, 2007
Paying the Costs of Sprawl: Using Fair-Share Costing to Control Sprawl, Snider, 1998
Impact Fees and Growth Management, Mullen, 2002
Development Impact Fees, Maricopa Association of Governments, 2002
How Impact Fees Can Discourage Low-Density Development, Ridlington, 2003
To Environmental Mitigation Fees and Beyond, Nicholas and Juergensmeyer, 2003
How Can Impact Fees Help Achieve Smart Growth, New Jersey Future, 2004
Housing Implications
Impact Fees and Housing Affordability, Been, 2004
Impact Fees and Housing Affordablity, Mullen, 2003
Effects of Impact Fees on Cost of Housing and Land, Evans-Cowley, 2003
Empirical Investigation of Effects of Impact Fees on Housing Markets, Ihlanfeldt, 2000
Effects of Proportionate-Share Impact Fees, Housing Policy Debate, 2007
Impact Fees in Relation to Housing Prices and Affordable Housing Supply, Burge, 2016
Economic Implications
Who Pays for Development Fees and Exactions?, Dresch & Sheffrin, 1997
Paying for Prosperity: Impact Fees and Job Growth, Nelson and Moody, 2003
Impact Fees: A Vote of Confidence for Economic Growth?, Theis and Giardina, 2003
Development Impact Fees and Employment, Burge and Ihlanfeldt, 2008
Impact Fees in Relation to Housing Prices and Affordable Housing Supply, Burge, 2016
Legal Implications
Exactions, Dedications and Impact Fees, Delaney, 2000
Kansas Attorney General Opinion Relating to Impact Fees (No. 2006-17) , Phill Kline, 2006
Takings Challenge to Development Impact Fees, Schwartz, 2004
Exactions, Impact Fees and Other Land Development Conditions, Callies, 1998
Street and Road Exactions After Dolan, Callies, 2000
Infrastructure and the Law: Florida’s Past, Present and Future , Juergensmeyer, 2008
Education Facilities
Are Impact Fees a Viable Resource for Schools Experiencing Growth?, Bangert, 2006
School Impact Fees in Florida, Stroud, 1998
Using Impact Fees to Finance Schools and Other Public Construction …, Esseks, 2003
Land Use Management: Retirement Communities Evade School Impact Fees, Sullivan, 2000
Rethinking School Impact Fees, Washington Research Council, 1995
Anti-Impact Fee Positions
Can Impact Fees Be Fair and Equitable?, Dotzour, 1993
Impact Fees – The Non-Renewable Resource, Davies, 2000
Taxing Development: The Law & Economics of Traffic Impact Fees, Powell et al, 2006
Courting Impact Fees for Schools, Hood, 2004
The Impact Hammer: Respecting Power of Impact Fees on Development, Taylor, 2004
Impact Fees: Truth and Consequences of Bad Policy, Wagner, 2003
Flaws in Brookings Impact Fee Report Cited, Izadi, 2003
The Myths About Impact Fees, Deames, 1998
Impact Fees: The Welcome, Stranger Tax, Schaftel, 2003
Away with Impact Fees, Professional Builder, 2004
The Little House That Could, O’Toole, 2001
Repealing the Negative Effect of Impact Fees, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, 2001
The Unfettered Impact Fee Industry, Brady, 2009
The Local Economic Impact of a Typical Tax Credit Housing Project, NAHB, 2007
The Local Impact of Home Building in a Typical Metro Area, NAHB, 2009
A Field Guide to Development Impact Fees, National Association of Realtors, 2009