News Archive - Latest Impact Fee News

Latest News:
Schaumburg may drop impact fee for medical marijuana dispensary
Daily Herald, IL – February 3, 2017
Schaumburg officials are considering dropping the annual $37,752 impact fee on the PharmaCannis medical marijuana dispensary in the village due to the complete lack of the emergency calls that were anticipated.
Apopka will not absorb Qorvo’s impact fees
The Apopka Chief, FL – February 2, 2017
Because no one on the City Council made a motion to vote at their Wednesday, February 2, meeting, the city of Apopka will not absorb Qorvo’s impact fees after the technology conglomerate requested that those costs be reduced.
No Easy Answer on Housing Affordability
Naples News, FL – February 1, 2017
But impact fees are only one factor in the cost of a home, and lowering them, as is frequently advocated
whenever the discussion of housing affordability comes up, carries a price tag as well…
Durango Fire seeks impact fee
Durango Herald, CO – January 31, 2017
The Durango Fire Protection District is proposing an impact fee on new development to help pay for capital improvement projects … The proposed fee would cost $1,183 per new home….
Possible city tax on short term rentals tempered by legal realities
Steamboat Today, FL – January 25, 2017
City Attorney Dan Foote said the pursuit of an impact fee on [short term] rentals would require that the city conduct an expensive impact study to justify the added expense on only a certain portion of the rental market…
Crown Point ponders recreation fee
Lake County News, IN – January 23, 2017
Crown Point has approved a $25,500 contract with Lehman & Lehman, of Mishawaka, to study a recreation infrastructure zone improvement plan. The plan will permit the city to create a recreation infrastructure impact fee to shift part of the cost of new and expanded park facilities …
St. Augustine’s mobility plan could lead to mobility fee
The St. Augustine Record, FL – January 22, 2017
St. Augustine’s mobility project, set to resume in full force this month, is expected to open the possibility for the city to charge a fee to pay for transportation projects. What a “mobility fee” or other fee or tax might look like isn’t known. …
Williamson County publishes official education impact fee, starts in March
Spring Hill Home Page, TN – January 22, 2017
The new Education Impact Fee, which could create more than $180 million for new school construction over the next six years, will be due when a builder applies for a permit. … The graduated fee starts at $3,670 per single family home and goes up to $13,566 …
Rio Rancho’s proposed rates would slash commercial fees
Rio Rancho Observer, NM – January 21, 2017
Proposed new rates that would cut current commercial, office and industrial impact fees by at least 30 percent were met with unanimous approval from impact fee committee members last week. Mayor Gregg Hull recommended the new rates to the city’s impact fee committee on Wednesday, following his previous recommendation of new residential impact fee rates earlier this month. …
Lake County may waive $9,000 impact fees in older neighborhoods
Daily Commercial, FL – January 19, 2017
Campione’s proposal would keep the school impact fees at their highest levels – $9,324 for a new single family home – but would give impact fee waivers to those who want to build on infill lots and on small parcels within three miles of a city hall and within two miles of a school in older neighborhoods…
Pasco County Commission to begin school impact fee process
Tampa Bay Times, FL – January 9, 2017
The Pasco County Commission embarks this week on what could become a lengthy procedure for considering a near doubling of school impact fees. Commissioners will consider Tuesday the creation of a 10-member school infrastructure funding committee, with the assignment of reviewing the School Board’s request to increase the fees…
Older Articles:
City sets final date for change in impact fees
Peoria Times, AZ – April 9, 2014
City council heard from staff at its April 1 meeting regarding a proposed new impact fee ordinance. Deputy Director of Finance and Budget Katie Gregory told council the new ordinance is “a pretty significant update” to the city’s ordinance. It contains new and updated impact fee levels for …
Council weighs sewer system development fee reduction
Herald Nad News, OR – April 9, 2014
Members of Klamath Falls City Council weighed the option Monday of significantly rolling back a city sewer development fee. Public Works Director Mark Willrett presented the idea to reduce the sewer system development charge during a work session. The concept emerged through an effort to …
Impact fees repealed in Ruidoso
Ruidoso News, NM – March 28, 2014
Coming up with an ordinance in 2003 to impose impact fees took months of staff and planning commission work and debate. Repeal of the ordinance by the Ruidoso Village Council Tuesday occurred in less than 10 minutes and with no public comment. New construction …
Financing the cost of new development
Hill Country Allance, TX – March 27, 2014
At the San Antonio Water System Board meeting of March 4th, the SAWS Board was briefed on 2014 to 2023 Land Use Assumptions Plan. This plan includes recommendations for impact fees to fund additional water supplies. The SAWS staff recommended a one time impact…
Impact fee moratorium needs to have clear limit
Albuquerque Journal, NM – March 26, 2014
The experts (city staff and real estate experts) say there are too many factors to consider. It’s still unclear what our gains will be, if any, based on the amount we’ll have to pay out in the $5.6 million lawsuit to North Curb, the Cabezon developer.
Analyzing the impact fee debate
ABC-7, TX – March 24, 2014
Impact fees are what developers pay to build new communities on the city’s outskirts. Currently, the developer pays 75 percent of the fee — and anyone who pays a bill to El Paso Water Utilities pays the other 25 percent. The fee can vary from $1,400 to $1,600 dollars per home, …
Council reinstates city’s development impact fees
Northern, WA – March 19, 2014
Visions of growth and development are spurring Blaine city officials to begin looking at codes, ordinances and fees to see where changes might be appropriate. In a move to buffer the city’s planned street and park projects with a little cash in the reserve, Blaine City Council …
Impact fee changes alarm Surprise council
West Valley News, AZ – March 19, 2014
Surprise City Council members knew a paradigm shift was coming in the collection and use of development impact fees since the state approved statutory revisions in Senate Bill 1525 that significantly changed the fee requirements. But they couldn’t see the stark difference on paper …
City loses lawsuit; judge to determine damages
Albuquerque Journal, NM – March 6, 2014
The City of Rio Rancho has a lost a lawsuit over impact fees. Following a district court non-jury trial last week, Judge James Lawrence Sanchez of Valencia County found in favor of the plaintiff, Cabezon developer Curb North, said city spokesman Peter…
Guest Opinion: Extending the Lee impact fee reduction is a good idea, FL – March 5, 2014
I support the Lee County Board of County Commissioners’ decision to extend the reduction on impact fees. To date, the reduction to impact fee initiative has jump-started development activity in Lee County and made a difference in investment …
Hernando busing issue could hinge on impact fee vote
Hernando Today, FL – March 4, 2014
After two workshops where Hernando school board members expressed support for returning courtesy busing to the district’s youngest and most vulnerable students, board members voted Tuesday to postpone any decision until March 11. By then,…
Payson May Scrap Some Impact Fees
Payson Roundup, UT – March 4, 2014
Payson in April will seek public input on impact fees charged to builders to pay for water, parks, fire, police and streets. Mayor Kenny Evans said the council may well keep only one or two of the fees in place in response to burdensome new state…
Prescott eliminates street impact fees
Prescott Daily Courier, AZ – February 27, 2014
With no growth-related street projects on the horizon for the next five years or so, the City of Prescott has opted to discontinue the impact fees that could go to pay for such improvements. In a 6-1 vote on Tuesday, the Prescott City Council approved…
Fee waiver smooths path for Habitat for Humanity
The Advocate, MD – February 25, 2014
The Carroll County Commissioners have waived the impact fees associated with Habitat for Humanity of Carroll County’s plan to build five new town homes in Westminster, a move Habitat for Humanity of Carroll County Executive Director …
Court dismisses developers’ Londonderry impact fee claims
Union Leader, NH – February 19, 2014
Impact fee claims made by several area developers against the town of Londonderry have been dismissed by Rockingham Superior Court, town officials said on Wednesday. Town Manager Kevin Smith said the town learned of the court’s decision …
Flagstaff builders facing higher fees
Arizona Daily Sun, AZ – February 16, 2014
Flagstaff developers in a city with some of the highest housing costs on the Colorado Plateau might see an increase in municipal impact fees in the future. The fees in Flagstaff pay for new or expanded police and fire facilities to accommodate growth …
Editorial: Commission fails impact fee math
Tampa Bay Times, FL – February 14, 2014
Hernando commissioners flunked basic mathematics last week when they said zero was the right answer to how much buyers of new single-family homes should contribute to building schools. Instead of honoring the school district’s request for …
Windham planners pan fees
Lakes Region Weekly, ME – February 14, 2014
The Windham Planning Board has recommended that the Town Council not institute proposed impact fees on future residential and commercial development. At a council meeting on Tuesday, board member Ryan McDonald said that the proposed fees in…
Reinstate school impact fees? Not so fast, commissioners say
Tampa Bay Times, FL – February 11, 2014
Hernando County school leaders made a passionate plea to the County Commission on Tuesday. The district needs impact fee money, they said, to meet the stringent state class size mandate, to catch up on millions of dollars in building maintenance …
Council denies refund petition, FL – February 11, 2014
Cape Coral City Council denied a petition Monday night by the owner of Fletcher’s Grille & Spirits on Cape Coral Parkway. Represented by BJM Consulting’s Joe Mazurkiewicz, Peter Look, owner of Gusto Land RLLP, requested a refund of road …
Lost in translation: Salt Lake City must give back $1.2 million
Salt Lake Tribune, UT – February 9, 2014
Call it a $1.2 million screw-up. That’s how much road-impact fee money Salt Lake City must return to developers due to conflicting language in an ordinance the City Council adopted in 2012. No doubt, it signals a slowdown in road improvements. …
Surprise plans for jump in growth
Daily News Sun, AZ – February 5, 2014
Surprise started on the path toward its new impact fee structure during Tuesday’s special City Council meeting. The recently scheduled meeting, necessary to provide residents with two public hearings, focused on land use assumptions and infrastructure …
Dade City moves forward on transportation impact fee
Tampa Bay Times, FL – February 4, 2014
After a two year moratorium, the City Commission has voted to begin collecting transportation impact fees again. Dade City Commissioners unanimously voted last week to allow an ordinance to expire that suspended collection of transportation …
New Hernando budget advisory group backs impact fees, new half-cent sales tax for schools
Tampa Bay Times, FL – February 4, 2014
A newly formed budget advisory committee for the Hernando County School District is endorsing two money-making options that could generate roughly $140 million for the district over the next 10 years. At the committee’s meeting last week, …
Lower impact fees? Salt Lake City Council has a lot to chew on
Salt Lake Tribune, UT – February 3, 2014
Downtown developers have given Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker an earful on impact fees and the mayor has listened. The question now is, will the City Council go along with Becker’s proposal to at least partially roll those fees back? Tuesday, at …
Judge asked to decide if FMMA can use impact fees from 2006-2011
Ocala Star Banner, FL – February 1, 2014
Francis Marion Military Academy wants a circuit judge to decide whether the charter high school is entitled to its share of impact fee money the School District collected between 2006-11. Francis Marion filed a complaint seeking a “writ of mandamus” …
North Port extends road impact fee moratorium
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL – January 30, 2014
A two-year moratorium on road impact fees imposed on new construction and set to expire Friday instead will be continued for at least another year. That will save builders $1,928 on each new house. Impact fees are designed to help pay for…
Glendale puts official stamp on higher developer fees
Glendale News Press, AZ – January 29, 2014
Park and library impact fees paid by apartment and single-family developers are set to more than double following a unanimous City Council vote on Tuesday. For developers of multi-unit projects, the per-unit impact fee will jump from $7,000 …
Fresno to consider fee waivers for industrial development
Fresno Business Journal, CA – January 27, 2014
The Fresno City Council is scheduled to vote Thursday on a proposal giving the city manager the ability to reduce or waive development fees for industrial real estate projects in Fresno. Mayor Ashley Swearengin announced the proposal today at the…
Town Council reviews updated impact fee study
Prescott Valley Tribune, AZ – January 27, 2014
No members of the community provided comment during Thursday’s public hearing meeting in which the Prescott Valley Town Council heard a presentation for the town’s development impact fees (DIFs). The town is required by law to retain the …
PV Town Council reviews updated impact fee study
Prescott Valley Tribune, AZ – January 25, 2014
No members of the community provided comment during Thursday’s public hearing meeting in which the Prescott Valley Town Council heard a presentation for the town’s development impact fees (DIFs).The town is required by law to retain the …
Oakland increasing impact fees for new construction
West Orange Times, FL – January 21, 2014
The Oakland Town Commission has approved the first reading of an ordinance that will update the town’s impact fees for water and wastewater. The vote took place at last week’s commission meeting. Impact fees are one-time charges assessed on …
New state impact-fee law presents planning challenges for Prescott
Daily Courier, AZ – January 17, 2014
Planning for future fire stations, police expansions, street projects, and water improvements has taken on a whole new level of complexity under a state impact-fee law that is set to go into effect later this year. Among the points of the 2011 state …
Hernando builders, Realtors question fairness of impact fee to support schools
Tampa Bay Times, FL – January 16, 2014
When it comes to impact fees in Hernando County, there’s no tougher audience than homebuilders and Realtors, groups that have adamantly opposed the one-time levies on new construction for years. That’s what made an informational meeting on …
Council allows mayor’s veto of impact fee rate freeze to stand
Linclon Journal Star, NE – January 6, 2014
Impact fee rates will rise by 1.5 percent this month. That decision was made by default Monday when the Lincoln City Council took no action on Mayor Chris Beutler’s veto of the council’s Dec. 16 decision to freeze impact fee rates. The seven-member …
Beaverton City Council to hold hearing on fee increases
The Oregonian, OR – January 6, 2014
The Beaverton City Council will elect a new president and hear public testimony on proposed fee increases at its Tuesday, Jan. 7, meeting. Councilors will meet at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall on Griffith Drive. Proposed increases to the city’s water system …